Final Concept
Final Concept (Research)
Final Concept (Description)
Final Concept
An interactive installation that explores about the idea about how the society causes us humans to degrade in terms of our moral standards as time passes by.
It started off with the participant having all the "good adjectives" on his/her projection on the screen in front of him/her.
As more and more "bad adjectives" sticked onto the user, the 'halo' on top of their head will slowly disappear. This shows that as time passes by, we humans become less angelic/good because we have been corrupted by the world's values & standards.
Since this was the first project we did for the Interactive Media Major, I was doing more of the concept development & visual design with Grace, while our other two group members(Eunice & Jianlong) were doing the programming on MaxMSP.
Nevertheless, I got to learn new techniques on the MaxMSP software while doing this project.
Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, MaxMSP