Marcel Duchamp
An interactive website that serves as a "fake portfolio" of Marcel Duchamp.
It gives the users the freedom to explore the different artworks, exhibitions details, and videos of Marcel Duchamp, as well as to interact with the website by rearranging the images in one of the section to create their own "artwork"(reference to Dadaism).
Lastly, they can also leave down a comment/message when they are done viewing the webpage.
Since it is a "fake portfolio", the images and information used on the webpage are all "Dummy" ones as well.
In the earlier version of the webpage,I made the "Mona Lisa" move
along the bottom area of the website automatically when the user enters the main webpage. This is because I want it to act like the figure is looking through the gallery space on its own(As seen in the second video at the bottom left hand corner of this page). However, the figure is moving too fast in this version and it does not follow the speed of the viewers who are scrolling through the webpage.
Hence, for the final webpage, I used the infinite horizontal scroll method instead for the "Mona Lisa" so that it will move accordingly with the user's scroll movement.
Adobe Dreamweaver
(HTML, HTML5, Jquery, CSS, JavaScript)
Final Concept
Final Concept
Personal Reflection
Final Concept